Raising funds for the second printed volume of The Property of Hate- chapters 7 through to the end of chapter 13!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Starting to get started!
over 7 years ago
– Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 08:44:26 PM
Howdy folks, just so you know all systems are go on our end, but that means getting all the data into the right places! But on the more physically active side I dropped off the design for the 50 dollar signed reward at my local printer's this morning, and they'll have all 271 (yes! 271 of you!) of those done for me on Monday. Then I will start signing them! Wow, might take a while...
We're also in discussions for a rerun of Volume 1! We came so close to the stretch goal with the kickstarter that it's looking like a real possibility, and if we go for it there will be an option via Backerkit to add it to your reward bundle for an additional fee- so if you're interested keep your peepers open for that! Again, still up in the air right now while we figure out the details, but we'll keep you posted.
Until then, here's a better view of some of those stickers, enjoy!
Kickstarter OVER!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 01:15:56 PM
Amazing! We were so super close to the stretch goal so it looks like volume 1 will have to be a future project, but all the same I am just staggered at how much you raised! Incredible! :D I'll be keeping you posted on the steps we're taking towards getting the rewards out to you, but for now- here's that secret 50 reward print! This is a mock up signature, but the real deal will be winging its way to all you folks on the 50 dollar platform, hurray! But whether you got that or not, the sentiment is the same-
Last stretch for the stretch!
over 7 years ago
– Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 02:15:07 AM
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 08:23:10 PM
Thank you all, so so so much I can't express how grateful I am! There's still the stretch goal to shoot for, so don't stop yelling and telling people to join in on the project, and every penny will go towards making this project better! Thank you so much! :D :D :D
you're all heroes!
It's going to be a photo finish!
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 09:10:20 AM