THE BOOKS ARE HERE! All systems are go!
almost 7 years ago
– Tue, May 01, 2018 at 01:44:14 AM
Rejoice! The books have safely arrived and are in the steady hands of the Make That Thing crew- which means they will be on their way to you very VERY soon! Get excited folks you're gonna love them gosh yes you are.
This is the final act so be sure to fill out their Backerkit surveys and purchase any add-ons, because we'll be locking down surveys this Tuesday! Yes! It's now or never so be sure you don't live with any regrets, and thank you so much for making this all happen!
You're all amazing, and who knows? Maybe we'll do this again some time! Much love-
On the way with a little delay!
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Apr 04, 2018 at 01:56:17 AM
Howdy folks, just so you know the books exist! However, they are on a boat in the Pacific Ocean! It will still be a couple more weeks of ocean transit (estimated), then land transit from NYC to the Make That Thing warehouse. We should be able to ship them at the beginning of May! Sorry that's not the April we estimated, but what can you do? Until then, many many thanks for your support and patience, and I promise that you're going to love these books when you get your hands on them- they're so well made and big and shiny and OHHH.
Thank you again for making all of this possible!
Update on Digital Rewards
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 09:39:22 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Books and Backerkits!
about 7 years ago
– Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 10:08:21 PM
howdy folks, sorry it's been a while but we've been the busiest of bees over here making things happen! I just received the prints of the two books in the mail, and all the expectations I had were met and then some- they're drop dead gorgeous and I'm so excited for you to get your hands on them in the next few months! They should be rolling out in April, but until then here's a look at the finished product;
Aren't they just lovely? The quality of the paper and print is exceptional, I'm so happy to be sending such great products out to you all- also, if you haven't completed the BackerKit survey and want to get a copy of the rerun of Volume 1 (or add some stickers or badges to your reward bundle) then now is the time to do it! A staggering 90% of you have done so already, so for the few who haven't- don't miss out! Those Volume 1 rerun prints are going like hot... books? Not as tasty as cakes, but longer lasting. So, hop to it!
Thank you again so much, none of this could have happened without you people- and I'll never forget it!
Backerkit Surveys have gone out!
about 7 years ago
– Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 06:00:52 PM
Hello, everyone!
Sara from Make That Thing here. By now, you should have gotten an email from us via a website called Backerkit. That's where you need to fill out your survey so we can send your rewards when the books come in! You can also add additional copies of Volume 1 and Volume 2, should you choose!
Backerkit is also where you can download your PDFs!
Didn't get the email? No problem, here's the URL to visit: It's also where you can pre-order the book if you missed the campaign.
Think you might move house between now and when we ship the books? No problem! We'll send updates letting you know when we're about to ship, and you can change your address then if necessary!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email: [email protected].
Thanks for your support of this project!