
The Property Of Hate: Volume 2

Created by Make That Thing

Raising funds for the second printed volume of The Property of Hate- chapters 7 through to the end of chapter 13!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

On the move!
about 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 09:48:46 PM

Howdy folks- just to keep you posted, things are marching on apace in the production of these books! I just received the colour test print set for both volumes and they look absolutely perfect. Here's a sneak preview for you!


Aren't they vibrant? They're full A4 sized and on very nice quality paper, with excellent binding and an even hardier gloss cover than the previous version. I'm very pleased with how they're turning out, hopefully you will be too! 

We're also sorting things out for reward add-ons using Kickstarter Backerkit. It's a work in progress, but everything looks fine and dandy on making it happen, so if any of you want to add Volume 1 or extra goodies like stickers/badges to your order you'll be able to! We'll keep you posted on that front, and in the meantime you can sit back and know that everything is rolling along just great- and it's all because of you!

Best wishes, and eternal thanks for making this project a possibility- 


Happy New Year!
about 7 years ago – Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 11:00:23 PM

We're back! Well, in fact, we never went away! But I hope you've all had a great holiday season- I sure did, knowing that these books are on the way to completion! The layout for both books is all finished, so we can send out for dummy copies (a test version of the books) for me to check over and make sure everything is A+ before ordering the full number, and what a number! 1000 copies of Volume 2 and 600 for the rerun of Volume 1! Amazing to think of, and it's all thanks to you guys. 

If all goes well we should be seeing the books rolling out some time in April, and if you, or that-pal-of-yours, wanted one as a reward but couldn't quite get to the kickstarter in time, have no fear! The books which aren't going out as rewards will be put up for sale online, so everyone can have a chance to get their mitts on those lovely prints!

Endless thanks for making all of this possible, and I wish you all good luck for the year to come!


Everything in the right place!
about 7 years ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2018 at 01:17:54 AM

Hey howdy hey folks, just to let you know- all of the work for the rewards is done and in the right hands! Including a full 300 signed prints, woo! I parcelled up that bounty and posted it safe and snug off to the Make That Thing crew last week, and expect it to arrive in good order. We have also finished transferring all the pages of the books, so now my good fella Dave is working hard at layout and getting those comics in ship shape order for the PDFs and the printed copies! 

The one remaining task on my side is to put the sticker images (all already done!) into the right template and then that's it! We're ready to roll. There's a bit of time stagger to it all- the stickers take next to no time to print while the books will take longer, but we'll keep you posted, and thank you again for all the support and interest!

Hope you're all having a good winter season, wrap up warm! Or... don't. If you're in Australia I mean that would be a terrible idea.

Best wishes- Mod

Keepin' on keepin' on...
over 7 years ago – Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 07:40:42 PM

Hello! Your friendly neighbourhood cartoonist here- just to say we're chugging away at our end, transferring files left and right and generally getting things done. The Tarot cards have been formatted for postcards, and I'm sending the whole comic at a time via dropbox to David Malki, who is putting the books together! Unfortunately I have a data limit, so I can only send 2 chapters at a time, but 2x6 = 12! So it will only take a week to get the whole thing in his hands (and he already has the covers! Yay!)

I'm also busy signing these prints, and am at the halfway point! Phew...

Thanks again for all the love and support, we all appreciate it!

-still at it, S.J and the Make That Thing guys

Volume 1 Rerun- confirmed!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 08:22:27 PM

 Happy day hip hip hooray! Me and the Make That Thing team had a quick chat about it all and we've all agreed that a Volume 1 rerun can totally happen! It will be slightly smaller than the run for Volume 2 (600 copies instead of the full 1000) so if you want to be a part of that keep your eyes on these updates for more information! They'll be on sale in the shop once printed, but there'll also be an option to add a copy as a reward with Backerkit, so we'll let you know when that's all a go go. Thank you again for your huge generosity! It's only because of you guys that any of this is possible, way to go!

In other news, I'll be sending the files for the stickers and badges over later today, so those will be in the processing... er, process... soon! I also have all those lovely 50 dollar reward prints done, so I can get to signing them :D

Ain't that just peachy? I'll have to take my time though- 271 signatures adds up to a whole lot of hand work! :'D Thank you guys, and see you in the next update!

xxx S.J